Visa de entrada múltiple de 5 años para Egipto

Egipto ha implementado recientemente una nueva política que permite a los visitantes internacionales obtener una visa de largo plazo, lo que les facilita permanecer en el país por períodos prolongados. Esta visa de 5 años permite múltiples entradas y brinda diversos beneficios a los viajeros.

Visa de entrada múltiple de 5 años para Egipto

Si está interesado en obtener una visa de largo plazo para Egipto, es importante comprender los detalles de la política. Esto incluye quién es elegible para solicitar la visa , cómo realizar el proceso de solicitud y qué beneficios puede esperar de tener una visa de largo plazo. Sigue leyendo para saber más.

Comprensión de la visa plurianual para Egipto: beneficios y características

La visa multianual para Egipto, también conocida como visa de entradas múltiples , es un tipo de visa que otorga a los viajeros elegibles la posibilidad de visitar el país por un período de 5 años . Esta visa permite múltiples entradas y salidas, lo que significa que no hay límite en la cantidad de veces que un viajero puede ingresar o salir de Egipto usando la misma visa.

La ventaja de la visa plurianual es su validez extendida y su función de entrada múltiple, lo que elimina la necesidad de que los visitantes vuelvan a solicitar una nueva visa cada vez que planean visitar Egipto dentro del período de 5 años.

Elegibilidad para una visa egipcia de 5 años: ¿quién puede solicitarla?

Un total de 180 nacionalidades, incluidos ciudadanos de todos los países de la UE, Canadá, el Reino Unido y los EE. UU. , son elegibles para solicitar la visa de 5 años para Egipto, siempre que cumplan con los requisitos de la política de visas. Si un solicitante no cumple con todos los requisitos, es posible que deba considerar obtener un tipo diferente de visa.

Además, existen criterios específicos que otros viajeros pueden cumplir para ser elegibles para la visa de 5 años, que se explicarán a continuación.

Requisitos de la visa egipcia de 5 años: lo que necesita saber

¿Está planeando permanecer en Egipto por un período prolongado? Si es ciudadano de uno de los 180 países elegibles, puede solicitar una visa egipcia de larga duración. Todo lo que necesita es su pasaporte y un método de pago adecuado para la tarifa de procesamiento de la visa.

Requisitos de la visa egipcia de 5 años

Sin embargo, si no eres de un país elegible, no te preocupes. Aún puedes solicitar la visa egipcia de 5 años si tienes una visa válida de uno de los siguientes países:

  • Todos los estados miembros de Schengen
  • Japón
  • Nueva Zelanda
  • Reino Unido
  • Estados Unidos

En conclusión, es bastante sencillo solicitar una visa egipcia de larga duración siempre que cumpla con los requisitos necesarios. Entonces, prepare sus documentos y prepárese para experimentar la rica historia y cultura de Egipto.

Cómo obtener una visa de largo plazo para Egipto: guía paso a paso

Para aquellos interesados ​​en obtener una visa de 5 años para entradas múltiples para Egipto, esta se puede obtener cómodamente a su llegada en los principales aeropuertos egipcios. El proceso es relativamente sencillo, pero puede variar ligeramente según su puerto de entrada.

  1. Cola en Inmigración: A su llegada, deberá hacer cola en la sección de inmigración.
  2. Complete el formulario de solicitud: Complete el formulario de solicitud de visa proporcionado por los funcionarios de inmigración.
  3. Envíe los documentos requeridos: Esté preparado para presentar todos los documentos necesarios para la solicitud de visa.
  4. Pague la tarifa de procesamiento: una vez que se envíen los documentos, se le pedirá que pague la tarifa de procesamiento de la visa.
  5. Espere la aprobación: después de pagar la tarifa, debe esperar a que se apruebe su solicitud de visa.

Opción de visa electrónica egipcia

Para los ciudadanos procedentes de más de 70 países, la visa electrónica para Egipto ofrece una alternativa mucho más sencilla y rápida a la visa de 5 años a la llegada. Este sistema en línea elimina la necesidad de realizar solicitudes en persona en el aeropuerto.

La visa electrónica para Egipto:

  • Es un sistema totalmente online, haciendo el proceso mucho más cómodo.
  • Ofrece opciones de entrada única y múltiple, muy parecidas a la visa de 5 años.
  • Tiene una vigencia de 90 días.
  • Permite una estancia de hasta 30 días en cada visita.

Esta alternativa proporciona un enfoque mucho más ágil y conveniente para obtener acceso a largo plazo a Egipto.

Costo de la visa plurianual para Egipto: detalles de precios

El proceso de solicitud de la visa egipcia de 5 años incluye una tarifa de 700 USD , que se paga a la llegada. Esta tarifa es necesaria para las personas que requieren acceso a largo plazo al país.

Sin embargo, para aquellos que no necesitan una visa de 5 años, existen otras opciones rentables, especialmente si provienen de países elegibles para la eVisa de Egipto . En este caso, una visa electrónica de entradas múltiples podría ser una mejor opción. 

Los siguientes son los puntos clave para recordar:

  • La visa electrónica de entradas múltiples es una opción más rentable para visitas de corta duración.
  • El pago de la e-Visa se puede realizar online.
  • Se utiliza un sistema de pago seguro y se aceptan tarjetas de débito y crédito.

Visa plurianual para Egipto versus visa electrónica: diferencias clave a considerar

Para ayudarle a tomar una decisión informada sobre qué opción de visa es mejor para usted, consulte la siguiente tabla que describe las diferencias clave entre las dos opciones:

Tipo de visa

Período de validez

Número de entradas

Proceso de solicitud

Visa electrónica

3 meses


100% en línea

visa de 5 años

5 años



Obtener una visa electrónica para Egipto es un proceso totalmente electrónico, lo que le ahorra la molestia de viajar a una embajada o consulado, o tener que solicitar una visa en persona a su llegada. Con la plataforma e-Visa, puede obtener su visa por adelantado, en lugar de esperar a que se apruebe su solicitud una vez que ya esté en Egipto. Esto es particularmente útil ya que no se garantiza la aprobación de una visa a la llegada.

Mona Amin 11 Jun, 2023

Its says little about the 5 years visa, but I heard that hou have to leave after 3 months, then come back? So howcome this 5 years are better than one and one year? It says its valid 90 days, so what is the truth?

Nabil shafei 04 Jul, 2023

you can renew the 90 days by going to immigration office and extended it another 90 days for a minimal cost

Mohit Kumar 09 Jun, 2023

Thanks for giving brilliant information. Thank you!

DeyaaElden alfadel ahmed 18 Jun, 2023

Can I apply for the 5 years visa ? My nationality is sant kitts and nives

shymaa bushara 19 Jun, 2023


Mohamed Alkazem 19 Jun, 2023

Where the sudan. You have failed the Sudanese in their most difficult days

Jay 29 Jun, 2023

Do you know how to apply for a 5-year visa? I tried to purchase one upon arrival at Alexandria International Airport in Egypt but was informed that I needed to visit the immigration office.

Aba 07 Jul, 2023

Can I work in Egypt using this visa?

Paywithmoon 17 Jul, 2023

The Egypt 5-year multiple-entry visa allows travelers to visit Egypt multiple times within a five-year period, making travel to the country more convenient and flexible.

Rajat 23 Jul, 2023

Hi Is 5 years visa used for working Pls share details

Bruce Bryan 23 Jul, 2023

What is the point of a five year visa, if I have to go to the immigration office every 90 days?....and then they expect people to pay a fee every 90 days ON TOP of the $700??????? Seems typically Egyptian.....Make every job as difficult as possible and fleece people of as much money as possible at every opportunity.

Mr Smith 25 Jul, 2023

Where do we apply for this 5 year visa? Online? In our home country? In Egypt? I recently arrived in Cairo and was told to apply in my home country, but they have no idea how to apply also? Do I need to go to the Passport Office in central Cairo for this?

Mohit Kumar 31 Jul, 2023

I can't thank you enough for being a beacon of knowledge and offering us this valuable resource.

Niki 05 Aug, 2023

A lot of words but very little information.: 1)Queue at Immigration: Upon arrival, you'll need to wait in line at the immigration section. OK 2)Complete the Application Form: Fill out the visa application form provided by the immigration officials. NO TRAINED PERSONAL - AT THE ARRIVAL PORT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS APPLICATION, THEY SEND US TO IMMIGRATION OFFICE 3) Submit Required Documents: Be prepared to submit all necessary documents for the visa application. WHAT "ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS" I couldn't find any clue what documents I should submit!! 4) Pay the Processing Fee: Once the documents are submitted, you will be required to pay the visa processing fee. OK 5) Wait for Approval: After paying the fee, you have to wait for your visa application to be approved SINCE I AM WAITING FOR THE APPROVAL OF MY 6MONTH VISA ABOU 3 MONTH, HOW LONG I SHOULD WAIT FOR THE 5 YEARS VISA IN THE AIRPORT?? Please consider to fill all the information about the 5 years visa properly, thousends of people are interested, but you discourage them to apply.

David Schooley 08 Aug, 2023

what documents are needed for the 5 year visa for USA? how long is the process, immediate at cairo intl airport?

Jay 18 Sep, 2023

Has anyone obtained a five-year tourist visa? I am an American citizen with an apartment in Alexandria, Egypt, and I want to be able to enter and exit the country with ease.

shaima 19 Oct, 2023

1. Go to the website of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior. 2. Click on "Visa Application". 3. Select "Multiple-Entry Visa". 4. Fill out the application form. 5. Upload the required photos and documents. 6. Pay the visa fee. 7. Wait for your application to be processed. *Here is a brief explanation of each step:* 1. *Go to the website of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior:* Open your web browser and type the address of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior website in the address bar. 2. *Click on "Visa Application":* On the homepage of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior website, click on the "Visa Application" link. 3. *Select "Multiple-Entry Visa":* Next, select "Multiple-Entry Visa" from the dropdown menu. 4. *Fill out the application form:* You will be asked to fill out the visa application form. Make sure to provide accurate and complete information. 5. *Upload the required photos and documents:* You will be asked to upload the required photos and documents. Make sure that the photos and documents meet the specified requirements. 6. *Pay the visa fee:* After submitting your application, you will be asked to pay the visa fee. You can pay online or in cash at any branch of the National Bank of Egypt. 7. *Wait for your application to be processed:* Your application will be processed within 3 to 5 working days. You will receive an email to notify you of the status of your application. *Required documents:* * A valid passport with a validity of at least 6 months. * Two recent passport-sized photos with a white background. * An invitation letter from an Egyptian citizen or company. * Hotel reservation or round-trip airline ticket. * Proof of health insurance that covers Egypt. *Visa fee:* The cost of a multiple-entry visa for Egypt valid for 5 years is 700 US dollars. *Visa validity:* The validity of a multiple-entry visa for Egypt valid for 5 years is 5 years. *Number of entries:* A multiple-entry visa for Egypt allows the holder to enter Egypt multiple times within its validity period. *Duration of stay:* A multiple-entry visa for Egypt allows the holder to stay in Egypt for up to 30 days per visit. *Place to obtain visa:* A multiple-entry visa for Egypt can be obtained from Egyptian embassies or consulates around the world. *Visa processing time:* A multiple-entry visa for Egypt is processed within 3 to 5 working days. *Additional information:* * All applications and documents must be submitted in Arabic or English. * All photos and documents must be of high quality. * The passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the visa validity date. * The invitation letter must be from an Egyptian citizen or company. * The hotel reservation or round-trip airline ticket must be valid for at least 6 months. * Proof of health insurance must be valid for at least 6 months. If you are unable to submit your application online, please contact the Egyptian Embassy in your country. They should direct you to submit your application through their website.

Anton 23 Oct, 2023

You cannot register on Egyptian Ministry of Interior website if you're foreigner. How can I apply for that visa?

ChiefAbundanceOfficer 13 Feb, 2024

***My 5 Year Multi-Entry Visa Successfully Received*** Firstly, a BIG thank you to for creating this community... this information AND providing a way for us users to connect on this topic. Secondly, I am happy to report I now how in my possession my 5 Year Multiple Entry Visa for Egypt and I would love to pay-it-forward to anyone who reads this ... in hopes of saving you time, frustration and more. My information is current as of 2024-02-13. The best place I found for Visa details is the Egyptian Consulate in Los Angeles (United States). There website is When successful, your 5 Year Visa will be affixed to your passport (requires one blank visa page). It will issue the sticker/print out applied to your passport with: * Issue Date dd-mm-yyyy * Visa ID # * Issued at * Expiry date dd-mm-yyyy * Entries (Multiple) * Duration: "Stay 3 Months Per Entry" * Name, * Date of Birth * Male/Female * Nationality, * Passport # Visa ID + 5Y I believe this is so new that our friends in the Egyptian Local Governmental Offices, especially the front line teams are yet to see many of these coming through. With this in mind, if at all possible for you, I highly recommend "Mailing It In" or as a back up going in person to the Egyptian Embassy or Consulate nearest to you. Many great thanks to the Egyptian Embassies/Consulates in Houston, TX; Chicago, IL; New York NY; Washington DC, Panama City, Panama and of course the Los Angeles CA Embassy. Also I would love to thank ... they processed my first visa... 6 month multi entry allowing 30 days per visit. They were not yet authorized to process the 5Y when I applied... Note... I applied 3 months before my trip which cut down the amount of time I could use it ... 6 months is from the date of issue, not from date of first trip. In other words when filing in September for my December trip; I was given 6 months from September instead of what I thought was 6 monts from December... keep this in mind when you apply... I received my approval within 3 days. In summary, my experience was as follows: Visa On Arrival was only possible for 1 Single Entry ($25) Visa available for 30 days... This is true for Alexandria's airport and maybe it's different at Cairo's airport though I have yet to fly to/from this airport as of this writing to validate. my experience is 6 Month Visa is best to do online @ for 5 Year Visa my experience was first going to the local Panama City Panama Embajada de Egipto. The staff there was also very friendly and informative, BUT they could only issue to Panama Citizens or those on Resident Visas in Panama. Mailing my passport from Panama to Los Angeles was an option but at the time the Consulates were first authorized to process the 5 year, it was too close for my comfort to my upcoming Egypt trip. I then decided to try at the Alexandria Administration of Passports & Immigration. The first day, the officials turned me away having never heard of it. The second day (now with written proof in hand), the supervisor acknowledged the 5 Year Multi Entry Visa, but said it is only processed in Cairo's Abbesiya. I therefore went on an unplanned trip to and from Alexandria to Cairo only to find that Abbesiya's Officials only knew of the 6 Month Multi Entry (available for 30 day stays per visit... same as eVisa I already had) or 5 Year Residency Visa which is different from this 5 Year Multiple Entry (TOURIST) Visa. I then went back to the Los Angeles Consulate since they were the only ones I found that both acknowledged the 5Y Visa Existence AND that it was processed by their office. The tricky part was this was all done via DHL and USPS mail services... much more convenient of course than flying myself back and forth... and in the end... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED... I had my approval within 5 days of them receiving my passport & visa application. So for those of you who like to skip to the end... follow my advice and simply "Mail it In" per the instructions based on your local Egyptian Consulate/Embassy... whatever the country. Feel invited to message @ChiefAbundanceOfficer on Instagram if I can be of any other service to you; though try your local embassy/consulate as they were most helpful to me AND "May The Process Be With You".

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Solicitud de visa electrónica rápida y sencilla para Egipto
Formulario de solicitud de visa electrónica illustration

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