Ecuador Non-Resident Visas 1. Tourist visa or 12-IX visa 2.Special Tourist Visa Ecuador Temporary Resident Visas 1. Work Visa or 12-VI Visa for Ecuador 2. Retirement/ Rentista visa : 9-I visa 3. Investor visa: 9-II & 9-III 4. Scientist/ Investigator/ Academic visa 5. Athlete/Artist/Cultural Visa 6. Religious or 9-IV Visa 7. Episcopal Conference Visa 8. Volunteer/12-VII visa 9. Student visa or 12-V visa 10. Professional/9-V Visa 11. Convention Visa 12. Mercosur Visa 13. Unasur Visa 14. Commercial Activity Visa Ecuador Permanent Resident Visas
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Hi. I am Haitian I am a tourist in Egypt I would like to make an appointment for a tourist visa to continue my tourist circuit in Ecuador I am impatiently awaiting your response thank you.
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Embassy of Ecuador in Cairo, Egypt
33, Ismail Mohamed Street, Second Floor Zamalek, Cairo
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