Bangladeshi Embassy in Cairo





Tel.   : (+20) 2 3748 1796
Fax   : (+20) 2 3748 1782
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Granted Visa Types

Visa types granted by Bangladesh are;

  • Bangladesh e Visa
  • Bangladesh Visa On Arrival
  • Bangladesh Long-Stay Work Visa
  • Bangladesh Journalist Visa
  • Bangladesh Business visa
  • Bangladesh Tourist visa
  • Bangladesh Long-stay Study Visa
  • Bangladesh Diplomatic and Official Visa
  • Bangladesh Government Delegates
  • Bangladesh Diplomatic / other Embassy officials Visa
  • Bangladesh UN and other International Organizations visa
  • Bangladesh Invitation letter from Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Letter from the company that is sending the applicant to Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Investor visa
  • Bangladesh Recommendation letter from BOI/BEPZA
  • Bangladesh Work / Employment visa
  • Bangladesh Letter of appointment from the employer in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Recommendation letter from BEPZA/BOI
  • Bangladesh NGO workers’ visa
  • Bangladesh Permission Letter from NGO Affairs Bureau, Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Expert Visa
  • Bangladesh Recommendation letter from BEPZA/BOI
  • Bangladesh Invitation Letter from the concerned company in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Student visa
  • Bangladesh Letter from Educational Institution
  • Bangladesh Bank solvency certificate
  • Bangladesh Research Visa
  • Bangladesh Letters from the concerned institutions of the both ends
  • Bangladesh Consent letter of the concerned Ministry in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Invitation letter from Dhaka/Hotel Booking
  • Bangladesh Tentative flight itineraries
  • Bangladesh TabligJamaat visa
  • Bangladesh Letter from central Markas of the country
  • Bangladesh Letter from Bangladesh Tablig Markas
  • Bangladesh Journalist visa
  • Bangladesh Filled in FF-1 and FF-2 forms
  • Bangladesh Photocopy of the first five pages of the passport
  • Bangladesh Original passport and necessary payment receipt only after Embassy’s clearance
  • Bangladesh Flight particulars when clearance is conveyed
  • Bangladesh Spouses and dependents of all categories (except the person attending TabligJamaat and Tourists Visa)
  • Bangladesh Certification/necessary letter in support of relations

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